Taking the confrontation  out


Welcome to iMEOW

A new approach to "mental" health:

At iMEOW we take an approach for advocacy and awareness. We believe in healing, HEALING is a big part of all things broken, hurt or in disarray!

I was inspired by my family and a dear friend after enduring trauma myself as well as many I know I wanted to give back! Trauma is very "real" it is also consumed with an array of emotions. 

Have you ever heard of Disassociation or Distraction? Of course you are more familiar with the latter and that is why a "Sponsor" is necessary.. We have all sorts of people out there with their own burdens or daily stressors..The fact is we all will cope differently but for some will be enhanced with let us say P.T.S.D. often soldiers or people who have experienced substantial trauma in their lives WITHOUT ever going across any sea or fighting in warfare! When we think of our mind imagine visualizing "seashells". Remember like sea shells human beings come with their own distinct characteristics.. However human beings are more complex and in need of each others compassion or understanding..

The fact is we do not live in a perfect world where people are understood by each other. This program gives people a private discreet way of setting up a lifeline if you would! That call when your having a "break down" from your "brakes" failing! Think for a moment a car in motion then something interferes with that process and that person attempts to apply the brake but the car keeps rolling, ahead... THAT IS IN FACT HOW OUR MINDS WORK IT BEGINS TO JUMP "IN ACTION" OR "OUT OF ACTION" for sometime. Some may be aware but become distracted and others Disassociated can not gain back control of the "vehicles engine", the mind! 

Living in a modern day having access to resources or phone numbers during a crisis is critical. However we have a cultural ineffectiveness, That is where having a trusting person that not only accompanies you but can translate, interpret what the person is in Fact in "REALITY" experiencing for those around especially law enforcement, bosses, strangers in public or the appropriate help or intervention is sought. As citizens no matter where we reside we have an obligation to "hold others in a regard"! 

iMEOW recognizes the importance of building new bridges that are durable and being innovative and realistic to a Healthier Mental health Treatment and Approach to "Homeostasis", which is overall" Complete" good health!

We encourage all Professionals interested in assisting us or being a part of our Intercontinental iMEOW initiative or donors volunteer "Sponsors" to inquire or contact us to move forward. 

iMEOW Believe there is only one way to combat this epidemic, support, advocate and Protect this vulnerable community that is UNITED! 

Why YOU should choose us:

Qualified sufferers
Active learners
Specialize in Diversity
Emotional growth

Now offering 24 hour hotline & sponsor - program!

Put your mind at ease, knowing your loved one is in reliable hands.



This is a real service available for ALL NATIONS, Providing an International Response to how leadership, family, friends and strangers are REACTING, TOWARD MENTAL HEALTH!

Each Individual requires a special attentiveness and understanding, first for themselves!


WE MUST GET CREATIVE! How we perceive others, treat them and more importantly how we achieve Homeostasis! 

Good Health Mind, Body and Spirit happens by feeding yourself what makes you feel GOOD! a banana is healthy provides nutrients can be filling and very satisfying on the belly!


How does music help You? Imagine the connection or distraction it can provide some one suffering with depression or anxiety. Also being aware that even some music can be "triggering"..So remember "Balance" is always best


We will work with you or your loved one to create a custom profile to assist the sponsor in advocating, speaking on behalf or "training" for tools a "Sponsor" can utilize to help calm, refocus and support their "Sponsee". These are unpredictable circumstances and we all need someone to support us a time or another thru a "traumatizing" event that possibly "triggers" underlying traumas. When this happens often it is unrealistic for ANYONE TO APPLY BRAKES so we implement a system as a tool to aid in prevention of further trauma to human beings already struggling with any and there are too many to categorize.  Although we are NOT Doctors, Liciensed at ALL. We know having an idea vs Ideology of people and their needs is better for all in society in the long run!

What people say

This is a testimonial. To all people or with a loved one that experiences a roller coaster of emotions. A loved one that is often misunderstood when they become upset or sad needs a supportive system already implemented. As a grieving mother I know this first hand. Mail, phone calls, basic needs and functioning can be an obstacle. Isolation is not a long term plan of action it leads to in activity and higher levels of "stress and anxiety". So, I appreciate my "Sponsor", somethings I learned are just so upsetting, confusing and traumatic to deal with all at once overwhelmed ALONE. My "sponsor helps me remember I am safe, loved, wanted and allowed to feel but the "pain and or confusion must be interrupted!  Gaining a Safe place mentally going there while I have her  has saved my live!

Visualize a team

Experienced Mental Health Copers, Grievers and Supporters! To meet the unique needs of everyone.
Ms. Boyd

Contact us

516 229 1837

PRIVATE / Discreet "Sponsor Link"

- A discreet database - A "mirror" capable of monitoring/download or safety. ( inquire for details!) -  A lifeline away to YOUR "Sponsor Link"

 Not ONLY do human beings have fundamental rights that should not be infringed upon but a system under the ADA that should be Legally in place enforcing such laws. However that is NOT a "reality" so this option is better than any explaination. Trust in iMEOW, we have your best interest at HEART all day, every day, ANYWAY!

When calling inquire about our optional servicing.

Always remember YOUR health matters as Everyone else, treat it with YOUR best care!


               518 460 1078 / 516 229 1837




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